Help the SCCSAB fund the SCC Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit
K-9 Units are valuable to the Law Enforcement Patrol Function. Help the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Advisory Board raise funding to purchase and train/certify two K9 enforcement and detection dogs. Your donation will help build a K-9 Unit that we can be proud of and that will prove its value in the years to come.

Santa Clara County Sheriff's Advisory Board
The SCCSAB, a public 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization was founded in 1997 as the Sheriff’s Advisory Board. The Sheriffs Advisory Board is a group of volunteers that work to generate funds in support of the Santa Clara Sheriff's Office.
The SCCSAB has provided many safety-related donations to the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Deputies, including auto gun safes, bomb protection suits, canines, underwater sonar apparatus, and search and rescue equipment. Our mission is to provide the SCC Sheriff’s Deputies with the tools needed to protect their individual safety and to protect the families of Santa Clara County.
The SCCSAB Board is comprised of volunteers that work to generate funds in support of the Santa Clara Sheriff's Office.
Key Sheriff Units Supported
Bomb Squad
Search and Rescue
Off-road Enforcement
Sheriff’s Emergency Response Team (SERT)
Marine Division
M.E.T. Unit
Dive Team
Canine Unit
Best Of The West

The SCCSAB keeps an ever-growing list of ways and means to further assist our Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office to perform their duties with the utmost efficiency and safety.
Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit Fundraiser